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The American Buffalo

Just Released:

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Little Bear, is a story about finding Jesus...For those like me, who needed a road map.


Through childhood, Abel was raised by his father in the teachings of Christ, with scripture and hard work. After his father’s passing, it’s Abel’s faith and values that keep him going. Then, one afternoon, walking in the woods he finds an orphaned bear cub.


Dedicating years to raise Little Bear, Abel develops his skills, turning him into a full-grown independent adult. Years later, Abel continues his walk with Christ, but is confronted with his worst nightmare. As if his entire life; all the skills and knowledge he’s learned have prepared him to face the challenge, now he must place everything in God’s hands, willing to sacrifice all in a fight for life and death.

Did you ever do something out of the ordinary and wonder why?
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A Visit by Anansi 

After a lifetime of servitude - devotion to God, Country & various Mafias and gangs...

An unknown agent topples a Latin American government - only to create instability in the Western hemisphere.


Then, infiltrates the United States of America. That's when the real torture begins.

This is a - modernized - re-telling of Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix's rise to power.

The final conflict of the Intelligence War, that began in the year 1958, and was thought concluded, in 2001.


In a small aldeia...deep in the Brazilian Amazon...Black Jesus lives...

And, when a ruthless gang kills the local priest...

It's time for Him to intervene.

He must take-on the outlaws...using prayer, hope, love, lies, manipulation, deceit, the confession chamber...

and  "God's mysterious ways..."

to unite all, and rid the town of the evil.


 A story of The Christ - for non-believers...


Um História do Mato

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In 1996, I met a Caracañan on Margarita Island, Venezuela.

For 1 year, she was my world.

And no matter who tried to tear us apart - there was no stopping us.

This is our unfiltered true story...

As beautiful and as ugly as we were...Perfection! 

Time didn't erase our passions.

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One day...Charlie Nelson awoke.

​He found himself in his the Deep South, East Texas, and realized there was something wrong.


​He reunited with his real family…And, they chose to sacrifice.


In the end, they lost fight a battle that couldn't be won, against an enemy that dwells within us all.


​There were no rewards, no medals, nothing…


​But they had faith, faith in an ancient Native American proverb, that when great sacrifice is given in battle, the spirit of that sacrifice rises-up to heaven, then searches, until it finds your enemy's nemesis…to fight on! And the greater the sacrifice, the more powerful it becomes

When a Latino-American law enforcement officer fights crime...that's not all he has to fight.

Sometimes, if you let go...for just a moment...That's all it takes.
Fingers slip and father and son lose contact.
The distance grows. It swiftly turns into a void, a valley, then a canyon.

Divided by law - and when all hope is lost - the fight has just begun.
But there's no alternative...

This is a fight a father must win!

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Return to Chaos (χάος)

The Masonic/Nazi/Mexico Connection



How I infiltrated the most powerful domestic terrorist cell in the US; The Central Texan FreeMason/Aryan/Nazi cell (that's allied with Mexico: AKA: The Mexican Mafia) and outed its leader – the Headmaster Mason – and the Aryan Brotherhood generals inside and outside of jail, and established the connection between the two gangs…

And allow the invasion of foreign insurgents (from Mexico), and create, and operate school shooters and mass murderers, using an old CIA Project – Artichoke/MK Ultra – to create hell, to control society, in these United States of America, and how to identify if your child has become one of their victims.


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This story happened in a place called


In 1997, a Brazilian family took me in...& lived in one of their empty houses.

I didn't know they had a daughter. The mother hid everything that would remind her...of the girl.

I returned to the US, but the following year, I went back to São Paulo...& I spent 1 night in the family's main a guest room...and I was visited by a ghost.

The following morning, I asked the girl's brother,

"What happened in that room?"

This is the story I was told.

...and the aftermath...of her life.

From that event I swore an oath...that when I die...if I make it to heaven, and Juliana isn't there...I'll march to hell - find her...and we'll climb-out....and wait - together - in purgatory, for

The Judgement Day

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The year is 1994 and the de Souza family is about to experience a rollercoaster of emotions – as a matter of fact – all of Brazil will live through an epic journey of two and a half months, that tests their heart, from the depths of despair; the tragedy of losing a national hero, then through all phases of doubt – gathering the pieces back together, to rise again, back to the top, to the pinnacle of pride; a triumph of national passion!

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A man. A woman. Both married. A chance encounter that leads to romance. Dallas and Gabriela meet only twice, but vow to divorce their spouses, reunite in Brazil, and marry each other. Except, when Dallas tries to leave, his wife climbs out on the ledge of their apartment and threatens suicide while their young son plays in the other room.


Dallas has no choice but to break his promise to Gabriela. But he never forgets her.

An angry confession, a second chance: Dallas's unfaithful wife confesses that she had no intention of taking her own life. Now free, he searches for Gabriela, but she's the mother of two, and wants nothing to do with the man who broke her heart.

A dangerous pursuit: Everyone warns Dallas to give up, but he can't. He must risk everything to look in Gabriela’s eyes one last time and fulfill the vow he made sixteen years before.


In the wake of social disillusionment and utter contempt for peers, Velayas abandoned everything. “I went South in search for destiny, freedom, soul, God or my demise. And after a relentless trek through Latin America, South of the Orinoco, down the Amazon, descending the coast of Brazil, South of Corcovado, I found myself living on the streets of São Paulo. I went South ‘til I ran out of money. I lived in the gutters as a vagabond reading classic poetry: Lord Byron, Keats and Poe. They were my fellow exiles. I consumed nothing but devoured verse, dreams, visions and I became a citizen of the world. For nobody believed I was an American. For who, sacrificing such comforts would live as I: wretched poor! And it was there I found my soul, my God, my destiny; there in the gutters!”

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Deep in the Amazon, a village of rubber tappers struggle against the changing world...

These are the people. This is the simplicity of their way. They’re not political, nor radical, but simple, humble and superstitious, a tradition of sorts, like their ritual, ‘Light in the Forest.’

Upcoming Titles: 

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The classic tale of love struck adolescents from feuding families -- and the different styles and timeless.

From the Greek story of Pyramus and Thisbe, to Shakespeare's Romeo & the West Yorkshire moors version, Emily Bronte's Wurthering New York's variation, Arthur Laurents' West Side Story...

Now - Texas has it's own version...



Three cowboys travel to the Sunni Reservation in New Mexico, to trade for a horse, but find what they believe to be a mestizo child, in the clutches of a dead man.

Jaxsy is stolen away...and raised as a cowboy, growing-up hard and fast, but in a twist of fate finds himself at odds with Mr. Armstead, when he and the owner’s daughter Christine, fall in love.

Cast-out of the only home he’s known -- after the death of his adopted father, Koot, Jaxsy disappears…

A decade later he returns, having realized who he is, a full-blooded Indian…He’s hellbent on the destruction of the Armsteads, the cowboys that raised him and his beloved Christine. As savage as the Indians that fought the Wild West, nothing will stop his revenge!


Jaxsy is a tragedy of Greek proportions, set against West Texas of the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s. A deadly game of high-stakes poker, for Honor…The Right of a Lady’s Love…and The Empire Ranch.

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This is a true story - and like most true stories, it's a comedy - and like all real comedies, it's a tragedy.


This is what happened when I threw myself into Williamson County Jail, in Dec. 2023, during a Civil Disobedience protest, for mass corruption in the judicial and penal systems.

This is an examination of our culture – both higher and lower levels – our values, what we refuse see – what lies beneath: at the foundation of our society.


Don’t turn away. We must review the difficult – throw away false idols; that which we revere: crime and criminality…

Yes. Laugh at it!

Crime makes for good entertainment, but not a lifestyle.


A prostitute that adopts an unwanted baby...

A man defends the homeless...

A gang member saves a family...

Dead children...

Abducted teens...

​Two detectives in despair...

An endless hunt for a mass murderer...

An innocent Police Officer in prison...

A child sentenced to death...

A homeless man sacrifices all...

Americans, forced to live in exile, return home...

An abused; crippled baby grows into a woman...


Families, hiding in suburbs...

A coward gives his life...


...and Sanctuary below The Redeemer...


All form The Body of Christ. 

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Hell is Made of Gold

The story of the greatest Brazilian artist, Aleijadinho (Manuel Francisco da Costa Lisboa), his mother, a slave, Isabela, a revolutionary, Tiradentes, the queen of Portugal, Maria I, Chico Rei, an enslaved African King...and the story of the gold mining town of Outo Preto, in the state of Mina Gerias, Brazil...

The spark that created a nation! 

A história do Aleijadinho (Manuel Francisco da Costa Lisboa), sua mãe, escrava Isabela, Tiradentes, Maria I de Portugal, Chico Rei, da África...e do Ouro Preto, Minas Gerias...


A faísca que criou um país.  

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In the 1960s a high-ranking member of Military Intelligence leaked the mind control project (Artichoke) to the private a secret society...which used it to control the US.

In 1974 a Congressman broke down the most secret corridors of our highest institutions - and a member of the CIA took the identities of its Field Agents to the rooftop and made a bonfire. He was swiftly put to death.

The Field Agents became unidentifiable. They went rouge.

​Little Devil Troubadour - is the chronicle of their various attempts to stop the secret society from creating a permanent upper-class and slave-class - like that which China, North Korea, India and Russia currently have - in these United States, using the leaked project.

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Next in line - The Spaniard -
Don Quijote Charges with His Lance

When it all began…


At the end of – The War to End All Wars – The Great War – WWI…to its sequel: WWII – and that war's conclusion: the creation of the covert-controlling faction of these United States of America: also known as: "The Military Industrial Complex," and or, "The Deep State" – and how it's known to those within its sphere: “The Bureaux.”


Then...How the dominoes to create the all-controlling, "New World Order" were put in alignment.

What become known as the US Intelligence War.

What and who it is...


And, how a small group of ex-military in the know and their allies, set-out to stop it, in the name of the Constitution of these Unite States of America – that which they gave their oath to serve and protect.

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The Irishman Finnegas...

Launches an Arrow!

How 1 obscure U.S. Special Forces (turned Deep State) Operative, infiltrated and completely destroyed a nation…


Why and how he did it, and what was his purpose?


From the smoldering ashes of a country – as chaos collapsed upon all – the soldier stood atop the bodies of those dying beneath - in hell. He pulled back the string of his bow with all his might, took careful aim – with everything he had – all the knowledge and experience he’d obtained throughout his life – all his strength and endurance – eyes trained on the bullseye – and released! Launching the projectile on an impossible flight.


It was a last ditch hail Mary!


There was no hope for the boy. But, in times of desperation – when there’s nothing left…


When all hope is lost…


What else is there to do?

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Now - The Trojan Horse Bucephalus

The arrow that was born in California, but launched from Latin America, finds its vehicle – that which it will ride through the majority of its journey: a Trojan Horse.


The mare is suited, armored and aligned with the enemy - a perfect guise.

Many - in the know - and many who think they know, help pull the epic ruse behind the walls. Once in, she gallops through hostile territory, exposing all.

Many laugh as she parades - others cry and scream as she carries the bane, to the enemy’s flank. None are prepared. Ev


And throughout the years of its concealment – the projectile is unbeknownst transformed into a Weapon of Mass Destruction. Awaiting its launch code to ignite the jet – for relaunch – which will send the missile into the stratosphere!

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The Last chance...

Soldato della Vendetta

The Soldier of Vengeance

of the WestCoast's BloodS...

Since the early 90s, the African American gang, called the West Coast Bloods, have been waiting for a prophecy...


The string of the bow was retracted in 1994 – and launched in 1997, and the man that shot him, long dead.


The year now, is 2019. All hope is lost.


Then, from out of nowhere, after decades of nothing, the arrow appears – pierces a target – traveling through it like it was nothing!


Scandal rocks the Bureaux in Washington, as word gets out. A CIA mission is operating on US soil. The Trojan Horse has somehow found its way into the United States of America.


The mighty Lone Star State becomes the epicenter!


Countdown ‘til relaunch! 10, 9, 8, 7…

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Death Spiral

Did something go wrong?


After decades of hope, then despair – just when the deliverer appears, he jumps off a cliff, into the abyss.


There’s nothing left. Washington - The Bureaux - everyone breathes a sigh of relief.

All watch as he spirals into the depths of hell, surrounded by lost souls hellbent on his destruction!   


What was he thinking? Why did he do it? What’s going on? Will the insanity ever end?


Down, down, down he tumbles, spinning, swirling, screaming, crying…into the netherworld.


He’ll never be able to correct, or pull up from his descent.



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When all is lost. When nothing is left…


From the ashes – out the front door of a jail – walks a prisoner.


There’s an assassination attempt! But the President stands back up, and is reelected.



Something happened. It’s visible to all of America! Law Enforcement – the Texas Rangers – have gained an advantage! Do they have Project Artichoke? M.K.Ultra? And the parent project S.T.Elar? Was everything done on purpose? Did The Arrow play a decoy?


Things change. Gangs realign. A storm brews in the South, as African Americans put on cowboy hats, and white guys wear reds shits.

But, he's not done!

Slowly, bit by bit, the pieces - the insanity - add-up.

The Arrow, has created the largest Army ever assembled, in the history of the world!

What is their objective? Will school shootings end? Will they stop the invasion of the Southern border, and fix their country?

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Counter Attack!

Circe, The Greek Magus

Spits a Curse

After decades of the Intelligence Community, and honest government, overshadowed by elites: The New World Order – and their vice-control around American information: hiding the obvious - tearing America apart with division of race...

At the street level, a new alliance is formed. 

Then, a counter attack!

The U.S. Intelligence War rages!


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What happened when the Judicial System messed with the highest-ranking CIA Agent in the country. Was it planned? Was it supposed to happen? Was it a mistake?  No...

Donald Arthur Francis – Army Special Forces 1960s – CIA Field Agent, turned Deep State Operative.


From missions in Latin America, then the US Intelligence Wars (from 1958 to 2001) – that culminated in his exile from The Community in 1974, and the eventual downfall of the US Government to internal and external elitist forces in 2001.

Orders from Command: Lay still, lay very, very still. The snake went dormant – for years. Until one day, someone stepped on him.

The conflict, at first appeared to be a fight with a deadly viper. Then, he coiled, retracted, and rose-up to strike.

Everyone realized the parable of a deadly serpent was wrong. The axiom that better defined the conflict, was that of a curious wife, called Pandora, that opened a Box.

It was then everyone knew, all that happened was intentional.

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Velayas was taken to Venezuela at the age of seventeen. He arrived two years after Hugo Chaves' failed coup d'etats. The young Velayas watched for three years, from 1994 to 1997, as the country fell under communist control.

Velayas relocated to Brazil at twenty, traveling down the Amazon, then the coast to São Paulo. Living in Brazil off and on for twenty years.

Velayas' ancestors include a Warden of San Quentin prison, cowboys in Wyoming, performers in vaudeville, actors in Hollywood, soldiers in the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. His great-grandmother crossed the plains by covered wagon with five children, settling in Modesto, California, where Velayas was born.


He’s worked as a clerk, teacher, filmmaker, lineman, ditch digger, and cable guy, in the US, Brazil, Venezuela, Paraguay, and a Caribbean island.

Velayas calls Texas home.

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